The Denver shop is by appointment only. Please make an appointment under the Consignment tab, Consign in Denver drop down tab. Thank you.
Boulder consignors can check their account online at the new portal at

Consign in Boulder

Consignment: A Win-Win For Everyone

Please read through our Consign With Us page on consignment including how it works and brands we accept.

Consignment Hours

Sunday 12-4
Tuesday 11-5
Wednesday 11-5
Thursday 11-5
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5


Specifics to Consigning in Boulder

Please read the info below BEFORE bringing in your items.

  • NEW CONSIGNORS, please bring no more than 15 items.
  • ALL ITEMS MUST BE FRESHLY LAUNDERED/DRY CLEANED TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CONSIGNMENT.  We reserve the right to refuse anything due to holes, stains, odor or other imperfections.
  • Please keep in mind that we are VERY seasonal and generally stick to brands on our “Brands we Love” page.  Use that page as a guide and save time by editing your consignment BEFORE bringing it in-store.
  • We will get to consignment in the order it’s received and sometimes it won’t be on-the-spot.  If we cannot get to your consignment immediately, we will take your name/number and call you when we complete the intake.
  • Once you have consigned and are in our database, you will receive your consignor ID via email where you can check your account balance online.
  • Items that do not sell during the consignment period and are not requested back (you must call on or before your end date to make a request) are donated to local non-profits.  See our DONATIONS page for more info.
  • If unsold items are requested back by a consignor and are not picked up within TWO WEEKS, they will be donated.